013: Steve Szilagyi – Your Efficiency is Your Limiting Factor (Consultant, Coach, Realtor)

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Episode Notes:
In this episode, Steve Szilagyi – a longtime coach, mentor, and friend – shares his insights into achieving high performance by being ultra-efficient, the fundamental habits necessary for improved health, and the most pressing issues he sees as a rehabilitation consultant. Steve has his life dialed in, largely because he took the time to figure it out. After listening to this episode, you’ll be inspired to make the next moves necessary to take your life to the next level.

[4:12] High performance comes down to one thing: Efficiency
[16:24] The driving factors behind most disability claims
[25:54] Cognitive capacity: What it is and why it’s so important
[30:55] Mental health challenges and how to address them
[40:25] Mental resilience of high performers
[1:02:53] Steve’s high performance habits

Being Great at More Than One Thing
Steve is a terrific resource because he has achieved great levels of success in a variety of industries and roles. Currently, Steve is a rehab consultant for a major insurance company, a full-time Realtor, the Director of Ice Hockey at Next Move Network, and a business consultant assisting in the operations of a local gym. Previously, he’s also been a personal trainer, CIS and WHL strength and conditioning coach, a city council board member, and a powerlifter with some absurd lifts (555lb squat, 515lb deadlift, and 405lb Bench Press while weighing 148lbs).

He serves as a perfect case study for the new model of high performance: being great at more than one thing. Or alternatively, many modern high performers are great at a few things, but still good (or very good) at many other things. By diversifying your talents and experiences, you instantly become more valuable to any company or organization. The world is more connected than ever before and multi-disciplined high performers are becoming ubiquitous.

Take Jonny Kim for example. He is a US Navy Seal, a Doctor (graduated from Harvard Medical School, no less), and a NASA Astronaut. If we are looking for an example of becoming limitless, Jonny Kim is our guy.

Creating Time By Being More Efficiency
So how can one person possibly succeed in becoming an expert in multiple disciplines, develop numerous talents, and diversify their career and experiences? The answer is obvious –  more time! Unfortunately, time is finite.

So what’s the alternative? To create more time. This is accomplished by becoming more efficient.

If we can remove our inefficiencies throughout our days and become more productive with our time, we are able to accomplish more in less time. This is the key to achieving high performance. I don’t know Jonny Kim personally, but I am willing to wager that he is ultra-efficient with everything he does in his life.

For those of us who may not be quite as ambitious, we can learn a lot from people like Jonny Kim and Steve. They both show us the benefits of becoming more efficient. Here are a few things that having more time can do for you:

  • More sleep
  • More exercise
  • More productive work
  • More energy
  • More time with family and friends
  • More time doing what you’re passionate about
  • More time to learn and develop skills
  • More opportunities to pursue
  • More financial freedom

Efficiency Enables Human Optimization
All the benefits previously listed can help you to optimize your life; your health, happiness, and performance will all improve. But even with improvements to efficiency, there are still some fundamental habits that are critical to optimizing your life.

As a rehab consultant, Steve works with disability claims every day. This has given him the unique opportunity to observe the most common, real-life issues that plague people. Further, he has the opportunity to work with these people and help them to improve their life. While many disability claims relate to physical injury, the majority he observes are psychosocial issues. Mental health, now more than ever, has become a substantial issue in society.

Fortunately, Steve has been able to support a lot of people in their recoveries, and a few key trends emerge. There are three primary drivers of health – physical, mental, and emotional – that Steve urges everyone to make a priority in their life:

  1. Sleep
  2. Nutrition
  3. Exercise

As with many Learn II Perform topics, this isn’t revolutionary, but it cannot be overlooked. The quality and quantity of sleep, food, and exercise are often the difference between filing for disability and thriving. Not everything in life is controllable (take 2020 for example), but these core lifestyle habits are controllable. We have the ability to take charge of our health, happiness, and performance.

Learn More About Steve Szilagyi
Instagram: @soldbyremaxsteve
Remax: https://steven.szilagyi.remax.ca/default.aspx

Next Move Network
Next Move is a powerful network of qualified and vetted licensed luxury real estate professionals who collaborate nationally to share referrals that manage the full lifecycle of real estate acquisitions, listings, and relocations. Next Move specializes in servicing the unique needs of the private client, with a specific focus on athletes and entertainers. Next Move services more than 100 international markets and draws on the Network’s wealth of hyperlocal real estate expertise, resources, and education to provide our bespoke client base with an unforgettable and discreet concierge experience.

Website: https://makethenextmove.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Next_Move_Network/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NextMoveNetwork/

Crash Conditioning
In the constantly evolving sport of hockey, CRASH CONDITIONING has become the training destination of choice for elite players of all ages. Crash Conditioning has established this reputation based on hard work, devotion, and strong minded athletes.

Website: https://www.crashconditioning.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crashconditioning/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CrashCondHockey

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